How to Get a Passport in India

India Passport

Are you an Indian citizen eager to go abroad, or do you perhaps need to renew your travel documentation? Then you’re in luck because we’ve compiled a thorough guide to applying for your passport, plus we’ve answered lots of frequently asked questions. Read on!

Also, to find out if you need a visa for your next foreign destination, check your eligibility and the requirements with Byevisa.


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What is the Passport Authority of India?

It’s the Ministry of External Affairs. You will need to deal with this department to get your travel documentation or renew it.

What Passport Offices Are There in India?

These are known as Passport Seva Kendras or PSKs. India has 81 PSKs all over the country, located in a variety of major cities. These are operated by the Ministry of External Affairs. There are 11 smaller, mini PSKs elsewhere in the country. These are referred to as Passport Seva Laghu Kendras, or PSLKs.

How Do I Apply?

The most efficient method is to apply online. This means heading to the site and creating an account. You can then follow the application steps on the website. Be aware, you will need to fill in forms, make a payment and attend a meeting before receiving your documentation.

How Do I Apply for a Passport Online?

Before you do anything else, you’ll need a login. This takes you to the application form PDF to print, or you can fill in the form online. Once this is done, you will need to pay for your documentation and attend an interview in person at a PSK.

What Are the Fees?

The price is R1,500 for a travel book of 36 pages, or R2,000 for one of 60 pages. The standard validity in India is 10 years. After this time has elapsed, you need to renew your documentation.

Do I Need to Have an Interview to Apply?

Yes, you must attend an interview. You will also be asked to produce several documents at this interview. We will discuss the documents required elsewhere in this guide.

Can I Take an Appointment Anywhere in India?

Yes, you can attend an appointment at any PSK. There is no restriction based on your residential address. However, police verification is required for applications. This means the police will visit your home to confirm the information you have provided is accurate. With this in mind, it is best to choose a local PSK.

How Do I Reschedule a Passport Appointment?

If you cannot attend your appointment meeting, telephone your local PSK as soon as possible to change it. You can reschedule your appointment twice in any 1-year period. If you fail to attend 2 appointments in the same year, you will not be eligible to apply again for 12 months.

What Documents Are Required to Apply?

You will need documents including:

  • The form that you completed online.
  • Proof of your residential address. Utility bills are fine. You should take 2 bills – one from the last 2 months, and one from the previous year.
  • A ration card, if applicable.
  • One year of bank statements.
  • A national identity card to prove you are who you say you are.

You will also need a photograph. Standard photo size is 2×2″ (51×51 mm). The photo must be less than 6 months old, and clearly show your head and shoulders. No face coverings or dark glasses are allowed. There is no minimum photo size in pixels, but the image must be clear.

Is a Marriage Certificate Mandatory to Apply?

No, the law in India has changed and you no longer need to display a marriage certificate to obtain your documentation.

How Long Does It Take to Get?

The Ministry of External Affairs is committed to issuing all new documentation to successful applicants within 30 days. Usually, the process is faster. Most people receive it within 2 or 3 weeks. This will be delivered by post.

What If I Need a Passport Urgently?

In this case, apply for a Tatkaal passport. These are issued within 7 days, but only certain people are eligible. It depends upon your circumstances, and the Ministry of External Affairs will decide if you qualify. Tatkaal passports are also more expensive at R3,500.

What Is the Difference Between an ECR and Non-ECR Page?

The ECR category stands for Emigration Check Required. The non-ECR category means Emigration Check Not Required. This will impact your experience at an airport.

How Can I Check My Travel Book’s Status?

You can check its status at any time using your issuance website login. Just click, “Track Your Application Status.” If you already have a passport, you can check its number and expiry date online using the same website.

What Is the Number Format?

The number starts with the letter J then has 7 random alpha-numeric digits after this. It is found on the top-right of your documentation If you do not know your number, check by name using your official issuance website login.

What Is the Renewal Process?

This follows the same process as a new application. Complete your application online using your login details and attend a meeting at your nearest PSK.

When Can You Renew Your Passport?

You can apply when your existing travel book has 1 year or less left to run, or up to 3 years after expiry. After this period, you must make a new application from scratch.

How Long Does It Take to Renew?

The time period for renewal is the same as applying for a new travel book, 30 days maximum, but you will usually receive your new documentation within 2 to 3 weeks.

What Are the Steps for Renewal After a Passport’s Expiry Date?

If it was less than 3 years ago, you can apply for a renewal online. Simply request a renewal on the application form. If more than 3 years have passed since it expired, begin a new application. This means that you will require police verification again.

Can I Renew My Passport in a Different State?

Yes, just like applying for the first time, any PSK will accept an appointment to renew your travel book. The electronic application portal can be accessed by any PSK, regardless of state.

How Do I Get a Passport Extension in India?

There is no such thing as an extension. If your documentation is set to expire, it must be renewed in good time. As you can apply up to 1 year in advance of expiry, you have plenty of opportunities to apply for a renewal.

Is Police Verification Required to Renew My Document?

If none of your details have changed since your last application, and you have not had any encounters with the police or committed any crimes since your documentation was issued, police verification is not required.

What Do I Do If I’ve Lost My Passport?

In this case, immediately report to the nearest police station. Here, you will be asked to fill in the FIR form. You will be asked to provide proof of your identify, address and a copy of your passport.

If you do not have a copy, obtain one from your closest PSK. These documents are not negotiable, so make sure you have them. You can then apply for new documentation online, and the replacement should reach you in 14 days. You can apply for a Tatkaal passport in an emergency.

What Is an e-Passport in India?

An e-passport is also known as a biometric passport in India. This is a travel book with a microchip embedded, which can be read electronically at an airport. This is designed to save time when travelling. Indians will start to receive e-passports from 2021 onward, though some diplomats already have them.

What Is a Permission Number?

A permission number confirms that the holder has the right to leave India. Not everybody needs a permission number. This applies to people below the age of 18, or somebody that has been tried and found guilty of a criminal offence.

What Is the Indian Passport Number?

This is your own personal unique identification.

What Is the Number Format?

It’s the letter ‘J’, followed by 7 digits. You can find this on the same page as your photograph.

How Do I Do a Passport Number Check?

The best way is to check your travel history. If you cannot find logged details for entry and exit on a journey, you need to contact your local PSK. For new applications, you can check online for your documentation’s number and expiry date as long as you have the original file number for your application.

Can I Check Online for the Documentation’s Number and Expiry Date?

No, you cannot check online, for security reasons. You need to contact your local PSK.

How Do I Contact the Passport India Customer Care?

You can contact by calling 1800-258-1800 (toll-free).

Can I Get a Name Change?

Yes, you have to contact the official documentation issuance website, who will advise you of the required documentation.

What Are the Documents Required for a Name Change?

The documents required depend on the reason you are changing your name. You can check online or call your local PSK office for further information.

What Rules Are There for Your Surname?

Your surname must always be written first. You must also use full given names and not initials.

How Can I Make an Address Change?

To do this, you have to apply for a reissue online in the official issuance website. Among other things you need to confirm the type of document you’re amending and whether it’s for an adult or a minor.

How to Add a Spouse’s Name?

To add your spouse’s name, you must provide an accompanying letter of authorisation, your original marriage certificate and a copy of this in the Indian state where your marriage took place.

What Is the Diplomatic Passport?

These can only be held by those appointed by the Government of India to fulfil diplomatic status or official positions abroad.

The difference between an ordinary passport and a diplomatic one is the status of the traveller. Ordinary passports are blue in colour and for use on normal trips or business. Diplomatic ones are maroon in colour and issued only to top-ranking officials and those on diplomatic duties.

The official travel documentation in India, or ‘type S’, is issued to those on official government business and is pale grey in colour.

What Is the Process for Applying for Infants, Kids or Minors?

The processes are exactly the same. You need the consent of one or both of the parents. Both parents make it easier, as no police report is required.

Kids and minors’ travel documents in India have the same requirements, ie photos, proof of address, birth certificates and copy of parents’ operational bank account. It is wise to take both original passports and a copy of such to the appointment.

How Do I Get a Passport for a Newborn Baby in India?

You need to apply via the PSK website for a newborn baby and make sure you have all your documentation – baby’s birth certificate, proof of address. You will need to attend an appointment at your nearest PSK office, and this can be booked and paid for online.

Some PSK offices do operate a walk-in system but this is at your own risk. One colour photograph on a white background will also be required. A completed and signed Annexure D from your PSK is also essential.

If you pay online, do take your receipt with you.

Do Both Parents Have to Be Present for a Child Passport in India?

Both parents do not have to be present. If only 1 parent is available to attend the appointment, then Annexure G must be completed by the absentee. However, if at all possible, it is useful to have copies of both parents’ passports.

What’s the Minimum Age to Apply?

There is no minimum age – you can apply as soon as a baby is born. Applications can usually be approved within 14 days.

Which Affidavit Is Required for a Minor Passport in India?

The signature of both parents must be submitted with the application. This affidavit must be a joint sworn affidavit. This signifies that both parents give their consent for the minor to acquire a passport. The affidavit must be authorised by 2 responsible persons who know both the guardians and the minor.

How to Apply for Senior Citizens?

Applicants must attend the PSK in person and bring all necessary documents required. Senior citizens do not have to book appointments with a PSK, they can simply walk-in and attend a designated counter for senior citizens. At designated counters, the procedure is much faster to complete.

What Is the Age of a Senior Citizen in India to Apply?

A person who is aged 65 or over may apply.

Is There a Passport for an Illiterate Person?

No, because all eligible citizens of India have the right to travel freely. Being literate is not considered a requirement for eligibility.

How Do You Apply for Travel Documentation for an Uneducated Person?

Should the individual applying require assistance (for example; the individual cannot read, the individual cannot write or the individual cannot process information) then the individual helping the applicant must sign a sworn affidavit. The applicant must be present at the PSK and must have all necessary documents to complete the application.

How Can I Get an Emergency Passport?

You can apply by attending the Consulate. This is a certificate which can be used for one-way travel. In order to gain this emergency travel certificate, you must apply in person and attend an interview with the Consulate. You will be required to prove your identity as a citizen of India and the decision will be in the hands of the Consular officer dealing with your application.

How Do I Apply for Urgent Travel Documentation?

You can apply under the “Tatkaal scheme”. This is for applicants who need to travel within 3 days. You will need to register via the Passport Seva Online Portal. Once you have registered you will be required to follow the step-by-step process and make a payment. The final decision is with the jurisdictional office.

What Is the Emergency Contact?

An emergency contact is the name and address of the person you want to reach in case of any possible emergency. You will be required to provide all the relevant details of the individual including; name, the individual’s relation to you, address and telephone number.


Hopefully by now you know everything you need to either apply for or renew your documentation. If you’d like to know though, we’ve provided the answers to some commonly asked questions below!

What Does ‘Passportindia.Gov.In Annexure E’ Mean?

Annexure E is a self-declaratory affidavit which states and confirms that all of the basic information provided by the citizen applying is claimed to be true.

What Does ‘Annexure D’ Mean?

Annexure D is an affidavit signed by both parents or legal guardians of minor applicants. This affidavit states that both parents or guardians confirm that they take sole responsibility for the minor’s expenditure and all the information by them is true.

What Does a Passport Sample From India Look Like?

It has a deep blue cover with golden lettering. The centre of the front cover bears the Emblem of India, as well as the words “भारत गणराज्य” “Republic of India” and “पासपोर्ट”.

How Do I Get a Pet Travel Book?

You’ll need to get a ‘NO OBJECTION CERTIFICATE (NOC)’ from the Animal Quarantine Station prior to entering India.

How Do I Get a Duplicate Passport?

You’ll need to submit a new application form online at the official issuance website. You’ll need to submit some personal details about yourself and attend a PSK.

Is There a Chip in the Travel Documentation?

Yes, the latest Indian travel documentation does contain a security chip with your personal data and photograph.

What Is a Type P Passport?

These are personal ones. They have the standard dark blue covers with gold lettering.

What Is the International Passport From India?

Aall 3 types – blue, white and red – can be used to travel internationally.

Is There a Machine-Readable Passport?

Yes, they have a Machine Readable Zone (MRZ) for added security.

Can You Acquire a Dual Passport?

Yes, India can grant Overseas Citizenship of India (OCI), so it may be possible to hold both an Indian and another nation’s travel documentation.

What Is a Tatkal Passport?

Taktal (or Taktaal) passports are expedited and can often be issued in 1-3 days from application.

What Are the Tatkal Fees?

These vary between Rs. 3,000 and Rs. 4,000 depending on the applicant’s age.

What’s the Smart Passport in India?

These are virtually identical to older travel documentation, but they contain an electronic security chip.

What’s the Internal Passport in India?

This does not exist. The closest thing is the National Identification card or NID.

What Passport Colours Are There in India?

Blue, white and red. All of them can be used to travel internationally.

What Are the Green, Yellow and Orange Passports?

India no longer has green, yellow or orange documentation – only blue, white and red travel documentation is currently issued.

What’s the Red Passport?

India’s Diplomatic Passports are red or maroon in colour. These are called ‘Type D’ documentation.

What’s the White Passport?

India’s Official Passports are white in colour. These are called ‘Type S’ or ‘Service’ documentation.

Where Can I Buy a Personalised Cover?

Personalised covers are available all over the country, from a range of local, national and international vendors.

How Long Should My Documentation Be Valid for to Travel to India?

It should typically have at least 3 months left on your validity date to travel here.

What Places to Visit Without a Passport and Visa From India Are There?

You will need travel documentation to visit 58 different countries in the world. You do not need a visa for Barbados, Bhutan, Brazil, Cuba, Hong Kong, Maldives and Serbia. It is advisable to check with your PSK before travel. In some cases, you will be able to enter with an e-visa, or a visa on entry.

Can I Travel Without Travel Documentation in India?

Yes, Indian citizens can do so, although foreign nationals will need their documents to enter the country.

Do I Need My Travel Documentation to Travel Within the Country?

Strictly speaking, no. But foreign nationals should keep their documents with them at all times in case their permission to remain in the country comes into question.

What ‘No Passport Required Countries’ From India Are There?

You can travel to Grenada, The British Virgin Islands, El Salvador, Cook Islands and Bhuta, but do check with your PSK.

What’s India’s Rank in the Henley Passport Index?

The Index places India’s in 84th place worldwide as of 2020.

If I’m in a Criminal Case, What Happens to My Passport?

Often, nothing. But a judge may demand the retention of your travel documentation as a condition of your bail to prevent you fleeing the country.

What Is the Document Advisor?

India’s Passport Seva document advisor can be found online at the official site. It’s an automated tool to tell you what documents you need to obtain your passport.

What Does ‘One of 16 Standard Documents for Passport’ Mean?

This means that you will have to submit any 3 of the 71 documents listed on India’s official passport website to obtain your documentation “on an out of turn basis”.

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